Forship Group renews O&M contract for Boa Ventura Energy Complex
Petrobras signs new O&M contract with Forship until mid-2030 The Forship Group was selected by Petrobras to be responsible for the operation, maintenance and engineering services for the utilities of the Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) of the Boaventura Energy Complex, in Itaboraí (RJ), where it has been operating since July 2020. “We were the only technical proposal that met all the technical requirements and Petrobras’ budget,” says Marco Kronemberger, Forship Group’s Operations Director. The current contract runs until June 2025, when the new one begins. “In four and a half years, 1,640 days without an accident, we have worked more than 10 million hours in high-risk areas such as: gas, electricity, working at heights, confined spaces, fumes and chemicals. We are overcoming all the difficulties,” celebrated Kronemberger. He notes that there have been practically no changes to the scope of the new contract, however, due to the start of commercial operation of the UPGN, all Utility units are required 24 hours / 7 days a week. Uninterrupted operation “Working on a contract basis is to carry out maintenance and operate continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with a minimum team of professionals, as established by Petrobras. Undoubtedly, it is a very big challenge, with penalties if any of the contract utilities become unavailable. It is a complex contract,” analyzes Kronemberger. He explains that keeping Brazil’s largest UPGN in continuous operation, with a capacity to process 21,000m³/day, is essential, because if the utility were to shut down, this would impact several platforms in production in the pre-salt, operated by national and foreign oil companies in consortium with Petrobras. “Keeping industrial plants in operation, guaranteeing their safety and efficiency, is always a challenge, not least because unscheduled stoppages, which interrupt commercial supply, can directly interfere with our client’s image,” he points out. “The challenges are to keep a motivated team in compliance with the contract, with no accidents and to invest continuously in training and qualification,” he adds. Continuous learning The Forship Group’s Project Manager, Yoshiyuki Ohara, notes that the lessons learned from one contract are always useful for another, even if they are different plants. “Working in various areas – mining, O&G, energy, etc. – we have the privilege of getting to know different cultures, which enables us to learn differently. In addition, we have strong experience in the O&M of large operating and production units, and we currently have six contracts of this type,” he says. “In other words, we are recognized as a highly qualified company in O&M, capable of winning new contracts in this area,” he concludes.
Forship Group renews O&M contract for Boa Ventura Energy Complex Read More »