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The Forship Way of Leading

This is what we are ‘building’ with the PGDL (Leadership Development Program The value of our human capital is immeasurable, which is why we created the PGDL (Leadership Development Program) to enhance skills in management, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Through this initiative, the Forship Group aims to improve operational efficiency, reinforce Forship’s culture, strengthen organizational leadership skills, boost team motivation, keep leaders updated with the latest concepts and best practices, and foster a healthy and trustworthy work environment Developed between late 2022 and early 2023, the PGDL has been progressing, as explained by Clarice Diniz, HR Coordinator for Forship Group. “Internally, we revisited our skills, assessed our needs, and developed the ‘Forship Way of Leading,’ the first phase of the PGDL. It was structured around two main axes: ‘Looking at Yourself’ and ‘Leading People,’ and was implemented through in-person sessions in Santos (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), and Aracaju (SE),” she notes. Externally, we partnered with IAG – PUC-Rio Business School to conduct a fully online PGDL, focusing on the concept of Ambidextrous Leadership. “This program included 12 workshops and 3 rollout meetings, where we addressed real Forship issues in group settings. We will conclude the PGDL with a Sprint, from which we expect to emerge with actionable solutions. In 2024, we will conduct follow-up meetings to track the progress of the action plans developed by leaders to further their leadership skills,” adds Anita Figueiredo, HR Manager for Forship Group. She emphasizes that the “Forship Way of Leading” achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 93.* *What is NPS: The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer satisfaction metric used to measure the likelihood of customers recommending a company’s products or services.

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O jeito Forship de liderar

Rio de Janeiro, 1º de novembro de 2023 – É o que estamos ‘construindo’ com o Programa de Desenvolvimento de Líderes (PGDL) O valor do nosso capital é imensurável. Razão pela qual criamos o Programa de Desenvolvimento de Líderes (PDGL) para qualificá-los em habilidades de gestão, comunicação, resolução de problemas e tomada de decisões.  Com essa iniciativa o Grupo Forship busca também melhorar a eficiência operacional, fortalecer a cultura Forship e as competências organizacionais de liderança, aumentar a motivação da equipe, manter o time de líderes atualizados com os conceitos e as melhores práticas de mercado e promover um ambiente de trabalho saudável e de confiança.  Desenvolvido entre o final de 2022 e início de 2023, o PGDL vem avançando, conforme explica Clarice Diniz, coordenadora de RH do Grupo Forship. “Internamente, revisitamos nossas competências, analisamos nossas necessidades e desenvolvemos o “Jeito Forship de Liderar”, o primeiro do PGDL. Ele foi construído em dois Eixos – a ‘Olhando para si mesmo’ e ‘Liderando as pessoas’ –, que foi implementado em sessões presenciais em Santos (SP), Rio de janeiro (RJ) e Aracaju (SE)”, pontua a coordenadora.  Externamente, foi feita uma parceria com a IAG – Escola de Negócios da PUC-Rio para realizarmos um PDGL 100% online, focado no conceito de Liderança Ambidestra.  “Esse programa contou com 12 Workshops e 3 encontros Rollouts, nos quais tratamos, em grupos, problemas reais da Forship. Vamos encerrar o PGDL com o Sprint, de onde sairemos com possíveis soluções aplicáveis, e, em 2024, faremos encontros para acompanhar o andamento do plano de ação desenvolvido pelos líderes para autodesenvolvimento de suas próprias habilidades de liderança”, complementa a gerente de RH do Grupo Forship, Anita Figueiredo. Ela frisa que o “Jeito Forship de Liderar” obteve 93 de NPS.* * O que é NPS: O Net Promoter Score é uma metodologia de satisfação de clientes desenvolvida para avaliar o grau de fidelidade dos clientes.

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A Forship oferece serviços abrangentes de consultoria técnica destinados a garantir a viabilidade e eficiência técnica e econômica de grandes projetos de engenharia, incluindo suporte para cumprimento de requisitos regulatórios e de sustentabilidade socioambiental, e apoio para tomada de decisão de instituições financeiras.

Consultoria Read More »

HMSWeb diversifies partnership with Pöyry

Our Expertise Will Be Applied to the Araguaia Nickel Project, Horizonte Minerals’ Largest Greenfield Investment in Brazil The excellence of Solution 4.0 has been established through our partner Pöyry, part of the AFRY Group, which has signed a contract with HMSWeb Tecnologia da Informação to work on a landmark venture in the mining industry: the Araguaia Nickel project. This project, located in Conceição do Araguaia (PA), is the largest greenfield nickel investment in Brazil by the British company Horizonte Minerals (HZM). “The Araguaia Nickel project from Horizonte Minerals represents a new chapter in the partnership between HMSWeb and Pöyry. Previously, our corporate contract with Pöyry covered projects in the pulp and paper sector in Brazil. Due to the success of our past collaborations, which expanded into the AFRY Group (Sweden), Pöyry has now adopted HMSWeb© (Handover Management System) for the Araguaia Project,” says Luciano Gaete, CEO of HMSWeb and IT Director at Forship Group. Differential that creates opportunities “The HMSWeb© represented a differential for Pöyry together with the final customer, the Horizonte Minerals, once we have a robust portfolio of mining projects and know-how on this industry, already incorporated to our solution”, adds Gaete. In the executive perspective, in addition to further consolidate this partnership, it represents an opportunity to show the HMSWeb© potential to Horizonte Minerals, which has ventures in several countries. “Possibly, throughout this project, we may join other HZM international assets”, Gaete mentions, who also expects the adoption of HMSWeb© by Pöyry, in a corporate manner, in international projects. Pöyry/AFRY already uses the HMSWeb and is happy with our actuation in Smelter Complex, under its responsibility in Sweden”, he says. Customized solution “HMSWeb© has been a key differentiator for Pöyry with our client, Horizonte Minerals. Our robust portfolio of mining projects and industry expertise, already integrated into our solution, has been pivotal,” adds Gaete. From the executive’s perspective, this opportunity not only solidifies the partnership but also showcases HMSWeb©’s potential to Horizonte Minerals, which has projects across various countries. “Through this project, we may potentially engage with other HZM international assets,” Gaete notes. He also anticipates that Pöyry will adopt HMSWeb© corporately for international projects. “Pöyry/AFRY already uses HMSWeb and is satisfied with our involvement in the Smelter Complex under its management in Sweden,” he concludes. Project Araguaia Níquel Horizonte Minerals, which is developing the Araguaia Project in southeastern Pará, is also active in Brazil with the Vermelho Project, focused on nickel and cobalt, located in Canaã dos Carajás and currently in the feasibility study phase. The Araguaia mine, with a projected service life of 28 years, aims to produce 14,500 tons of ferronickel annually to supply the stainless steel market. Additionally, a Feasibility Study for Line 2 could potentially double production to 29,000 tons per year and extend the mine’s operational life by another 25 years. As of July, more than 65% of the construction work has been completed, and the first metal is expected in the first quarter of 2024. This expansion will enhance the production of a metal crucial for the clean energy transition, which is experiencing increased demand due to the established stainless steel market and the burgeoning battery market for electric vehicles. Nickel is a key metal in the transition to clean energy and has shown rising demand, driven by both the stainless steel industry and the growing electric vehicle battery market. Through these projects in Brazil, Horizonte Minerals aims to position itself as a major nickel producer, with a combined annual production target exceeding 60,000 tons of nickel.

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HMSWeb diversifica parceria com a Pöyry

Rio de Janeiro, 04 de outubro de 2023 – Nossa expertise será utilizada no projeto Araguaia Níquel, maior investimento greenfield da Horizonte Minerals no Brasil Aexcelência da solução 4.0 foi consagrada pela nossa parceria Pöyry, do Grupo AFRY, que firmou contrato com a HMSWeb Tecnologia da Informação para atuarmos em um empreendimento emblemático na área de mineração: o projeto Araguaia Níquel, em implantação em Conceição do Araguaia (PA), considerado o maior investimento greenfield em níquel no Brasil da britânica Horizonte Minerals (HZM). “O Projeto Araguaia Níquel, da Horizonte Minerals, marca uma nova etapa da parceria HMSWeb e Pöyry, com a qual temos contrato corporativo, mas que, até então, abrangia projetos no mercado de papel e celulose no Brasil. Devido ao sucesso nas experiências anteriores, que se desdobrou até na holding AFRY (Suécia), a Pöyry adotou o HMSWeb©  (Handover Management System) também no Projeto Araguaia”, comemora Luciano Gaete, CEO da HMSWeb e diretor de TI do Grupo Forship. Diferencial que gera oportunidades “O HMSWeb© representou um diferencial para a Pöyry junto ao cliente final, a Horizonte Minerals, uma vez que temos um robusto portfólio de projetos de mineração e know how nesse mercado, já incorporado à nossa solução”, agrega Gaete. Na visão do executivo, além de consolidar ainda mais a parceria, trata-se de uma oportunidade para demonstrar o potencial do HMSWeb© à Horizonte Minerals, que possui empreendimentos em diversos países. “Quem sabe, ao longo deste projeto, possamos ingressar em outros ativos internacionais da HZM”, pontua Gaete, que também tem a expectativa de que o HMSWeb© seja adotado pela Pöyry, de forma corporativa, também em projetos internacionais. Pöyry/AFRY já utiliza o HMSWeb e está satisfeita com a nossa atuação no Smelter Complex, sob sua responsabilidade na Suécia” acrescenta. Solução sob medida O CEO da HMSWeb observa que a Pöyry vem aprimorando sua engenharia de comissionamento. “Enxergamos uma evolução em seus protocolos e metodologia ao longo desses anos de parceria, bem como nos seus indicadores de desempenho, que vêm acompanhando este processo contínuo”, destaca Luciano Gaete.  Para ele, o maior desafio está vinculado às demandas cada vez mais sofisticadas do cliente, para as quais a HMSWeb busca priorizar em seu desenvolvimento interno. “Visamos não apenas o pleno atendimento, mas também à evolução permanente da nossa solução. Neste projeto, por exemplo, estamos desenvolvendo um novo Dashboard em Power BI, customizado de acordo com os critérios definidos em conjunto com a Poyry e HZM”, conclui. Projeto Araguaia Níquel A Horizonte Minerals, que está construindo o Projeto Araguaia, no sudeste paraense, já atua no país com o Projeto Vermelho, de níquel e cobalto, em Canaã dos Carajás, em fase de estudo de viabilidade. A mina Araguaia, com vida útil de 28 anos, vai produzir 14.500 toneladas por ano de ferro níquel para abastecer o mercado de aço inox, tendo Estudo de Viabilidade da Linha 2, que poderá dobrar a produção para 29.000 toneladas por ano (ampliando a vida útil para mais 25 anos). Com mais de 65% das obras concluídas (em julho), e o primeiro metal previsto para o primeiro trimestre de 2024, o projeto vai ampliar a produção de um metal considerado crucial na transição para energia limpa e que tem apresentado demanda crescente, impulsionada pelo estabelecido mercado de aço inox e pelo emergente mercado de baterias para veículos elétricos.  O níquel é um metal crucial na transição para energia limpa e tem apresentado demanda crescente, impulsionada pelo estabelecido mercado de aço inox e pelo emergente mercado de baterias para veículos elétricos. Por meio desses dois projetos no Brasil, a Horizonte Minerals, quer se consagrar como um produtor de níquel de grande escala, com produção combinada de mais de 60.000 toneladas de níquel por ano.

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Forship Group receives information security certification

The ISO 27001 series certification confirms the all-round excellence of Forship Engenharia and HMSWeb Tecnologia da Informação.  The commitment of the Forship Group teams was decisive for the first certification in Information Security (IS) of Forship Engenharia and HMSWeb Tecnologia da Informação. The companies already had the ISO certification series 9001 (Quality Management), 14001 (Environmental Management) and 45001 (Occupational Safety Management). “We are always looking for absolute excellence in all our activities and operations. That is why we sought this certification”, says the president and CEO of the Forship Group, Fabio Fares. ”It took six months of hard work that resulted in both companies being certified in the 27001 series (Information Security) with the 27701 (Privacy) and 27018 (data privacy in cloud computing) extensions. We are one of the first Brazilian companies to achieve certification in the most recent version, from 2022, which contains a modernization of several controls and concepts”, celebrates Luciano Gaete, CEO of HMSWeb and IT director of the Forship Group. The executive highlights that the certification is extremely significant, particularly technically, but also for business and the image of the Forship Group. “It was imperative that our processes, procedures and information systems were reviewed from the perspective of information security, protection and privacy of personal data and corporate data, including certifying our compliance system with the LGPD (”Brazilian General Data Protection Law“),” adds Gaete. METICULOUS WORK According to him, over the course of approximately six months the team from both companies carried out a thorough analysis of information assets, internal and external threats and vulnerabilities.  “We mapped hundreds of actions to mitigate or eliminate such risks, thus raising the Forship Group’s level in these areas as well”, he points out. He states that, from a commercial point of view, the level of demand from customers is increasing in terms of the confidentiality of the information handled, in addition, of course, to its availability and integrity. On top of this, there are the privacy requirements of the LGPD.  “In this sense, the new certifications are already giving us and our customers the assurance that we treat the data to which we have access and which we store in our systems very seriously and professionally, improving, for example, our image and reputation in the market, not to mention a better score in vendor lists, explains the executive. CHALLENGE OVERCOME Luciano Gaete points out that the great challenge was to cross reference the enormous amount of information assets with internal and external threats, analyzing and implementing, case by case, the best mitigation, elimination or even acceptance action, as the case may be. “Another big challenge is everyone’s training and awareness! The most important point in IS, contrary to what it may seem at first, are not the IT systems and tools, but us, the users!”  The big challenge now, according to the two executives, is not to let one’s guard down, to maintain focus and constant concern with IS, incorporating IS practices into the company’s culture and day-to-day activities, in all areas of activity, following the procedures of our brand new ISMS (Information Security Management System), maintaining a continuous evolution of the system, according to the needs of the Forship Group and customers.

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